About ASD
The Alliance for Space Development (ASD) is a non-partisan organization dedicated to
influencing space policy in favor of space development and settlement through citizen
advocacy. Founded in 2015, ASD comprises 17 like-minded nonprofit organizations that
support expanding human activity beyond Earth. The Alliance’s guiding philosophy is to
collaborate with both parties to achieve its goals.
Throughout the year, ASD engages Congress to advocate for its objectives. Each
spring, they organize a citizen advocacy event called March Storm, where space
enthusiasts from ASD member organizations and other interested individuals meet with
Congressional leaders to advocate for space development through policies and
Our Founding
ASD’s founding, executive organizations are the National Space Society and the Space
Frontier Foundation. The Alliance, consisting of 11 member organizations, was officially introduced on February 25, 2015, at a bipartisan media event on Capitol Hill, co-hosted by Representatives Dana Rohrabacher (R) and Chaka Fattah (D). Charles Miller served as the Alliance’s initial Executive Coordinator. The Alliance’s initial agenda included a proposed “Cheap Access to Space Act,” which aimed to offer a prize for the first reusable vehicle capable of placing one ton in orbit.
Today, ASD’s seventeen members continue to work tirelessly to shape humanity’s future in space.