The Alliance for Space Development manages a national campaign composed of like-minded groups to accelerate the development and settlement of space. It coordinates the activities of its member organizations, sponsors and stages events, and communicates with decision makers to further these goals. The Alliance, in particular, works with Congress and the Administration to fund space development and settlement and to embed these goals in the law of the land.
If you missed them, please see the Alliance Goals and Alliance Objectives on the About Us page as well as the report on our first five years [PDF].
Some Things We Have Done:
March 2018: ASD along with NSS and SFF sponsored March Storm 2018. Objectives included promoting a gapless transition to commercial LEO stations, ultra-low access to space, and lunar commercialization.
August 2017: ASD along with NSS and SFF sponsored the August Home District Blitz. The August Blitz focused on promoting a ultra-low cost access to space, lunar commercialization, and planetary defense/JPL NEOCAM.
March 2017: ASD along with NSS and SFF sponsored March Storm 2017. Objectives included promoting a gapless transition to commercial LEO stations, ultra-low access to space, and the SEDS bill (H.R. 4752).
August 2016: ASD along with NSS and SFF sponsored the August Home District Blitz (see report). The August Blitz focused on promoting the ASD gapless transition legislation and H.R. 4752, the SEDS Bill, two of the ASD 2016 objectives.
Winter 2015: ASD Executive Coordinator Charles Miller and ASD Communications Director Sarah Preston wrote an article in Ad Astra magazine on “Back to the Moon: Getting There Faster for Less,” based on the ELA study. See link at:
October 21, 2015: ASD and Rep. Dana Rohrabacher hosted a lunch for Congressional Staffers in the Rayburn House Office Building. The ASD Executive Coordinator briefed at least 75 to 90 people on the Evolvable Lunar Architecture, a NASA-funded study of an affordable, near-term, permanent human return to the Moon.
October 2015: ASD was a cosponsor of the October 16-17 New Worlds 2015 conference in Austin, TX. ASD Board Member Al Globus was one of the speakers and hosted the free-space settlement session.
September 2015: ASD held a joint luncheon panel discussion with the Secure World Foundation on the topic “Commercial Space Stations in LEO: Preparing for the Future.” ASD Executive Coordinator Charles Miller participated in the discussion with other space leaders, including Mr. Mike Gold, Director, DC Operations and Business Growth, Bigelow Aerospace. More information including press articles and an audio recording can be found at:
July 20, 2015: NSS/SFF sponsored a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington DC to showcase the NASA sponsored Evolvable Lunar Architecture study (see press release and video of press conference and the full ELA report). This event supported ASD 2015 Objective #2 – Low Cost Access to Space – by showing how a combination of commercial partnerships and innovative organizational structures could lower the cost of access to the Moon as well as lunar operations.
July 2015: At NewSpace 2015, ASD sponsored a panel discussion/town meeting that gathered space activist input toward the 2016 ASD Objectives.
May 2015: At ISDC 2015, ASD sponsored a panel reporting on the status of the ASD 2015 Campaign and reviewing in detailed the objectives of that campaign.
April 2015: NSS issued a position paper on Next Generation Space Stations in support of the ASD 2015 Campaign, Objective #4.
March 2015: The SFF/NSS March Storm Washington Blitz supported all four of the 2015 ASD objectives. See the May 29 Space News Op-ed March Storm 2015: One Student’s Experience Lobbying for a Citizens’ Space Agenda.